Doctors preparing for medical specialty exams often express frustration with viva exams because they feel that they don't accurately assess their clinical ability. Some feel that clinical exams are a better assessment of their acting skills than their clinical skills.
I will be consulting in Cairns in early June 2019. I usually see interstate clients on FaceTime or Skype, but this will be an opportunity for Queenslanders to have a face to face appointment. Please get in touch to make an appointment.
The end of the year is a good opportuinty to take stock of your approach to study and exam prepration. The commitment is enormous and taking a step back and looking at things with a fresh perspective can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your approach in the new year.
A common approach to preparing for clinical exams is for doctors to practise as many different topics as possible. The rationale is that the more topics you prepare, the less you will be suprised on the day of the exam. This seems to make good sense, but what if there are underlying issues that limit[...]