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How to pass clinical exams



Can coaching help doctors to pass clinical exams? Clinical exams are the final and most difficult hurdle in becoming a specialist. Specialist exam coaching helps doctors perform at their best in high-pressure exam settings. In clinical exams, doctors are expected to perform and demonstrate consultant-level knowledge. Brett’s coaching focuses on showing confidence and leadership with clear communication.

How to pass clinical exams with simulation scenarios


Communication is an essential skill in every clinical exam. But listening, processing and showing empathy are rarely taught in any formal setting. The finer points of communication and cultural awareness may be more difficult for doctors whose initial medical training was overseas. For these doctors, use of appropriate language in sensitive situations or even refining grammar and expression can greatly improve their performance. For this reason, Brett’s coaching sessions prioritise compassionate, clear and confident communication techniques.

Larger group exam courses cannot address all of a candidate’s specific areas for improvement. Brett’s sessions are designed to identify these with tailored feedback.  Delivering bad news, managing difficult patients and colleagues and administrative and teaching scenarios are some commonly covered areas.

Stress Management

Stress management can greatly improve the effectiveness of study and exam performance. Effective use of relaxation techniques allows doctors to shift focus from performance anxiety to confident consultant level skill and performance. Brett uses visualisation techniques to help doctors refocus attention on the task at hand.


Family and friends can find it hard to understand the dedication that medical specialty exams require. This dedication often has a significant impact on partners, family and friends.

Managing the expectations of others and maintaining a sense of balance, can help relieve some of the anxiety associated with exam preparation.

work life balance

Simulation Scenarios

Simulation scenarios are considered the most stressful parts of specialist exams. In emergency simulations, while observing a strict time limit, doctors are expected to coordinate a team of unfamiliar colleagues to manage life-threatening situations. Coaching sessions cover techniques that can be applied to any simulation scenario. These skills provide a structured approach that helps organise thoughts in such a high-pressure environment.

Want to find out how to pass clinical exams? Make an appointment today.